Thursday, August 9, 2007


First off, I'm currently in Kona, Hawaii lit off my fucking ass courtesy of the unforgiving/delightful social beverage known as Kava.
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I'm pretty fucked up right now. And while I've had a great time here, I wish I was here to stay longer. Something about this island screams to me that I could establish myself here easily. I could dive everyday, probably smoke waaay too much of the mary jane, and make it easy as a dj (the local dj's suck huge balls), and everyone here is so cool (even the natives whom their island, culture, and peoples I have the utmost respect for), and the women here are retarded hot, too bad haoles are second class citizens (and me being a tourista is like, 5th class right after beach bums and burnouts). It's awesome, but more on these beautiful islands later. Anyhow, I was looking up the number of hits I get on this blog, and it's depressing. Look people, I got issues of disenfranchisement and social acceptance in the first place, so tell your mom, uncle, fucking ex boyfriend, or weird co-worker whatever. Oh yeah, post time, give the people something Neal COME ON get it TOGETHER! I was cruising the sweet sweet youtube and stumbled across some post of Daft Punk samples. Things I didn't know; Daft Punk are dirty French thieves in battlestar galactica helmets (albeit sweet ones), and I desperately wish to see them live. Apparently their show is way tits, if only I could stand the extc poppin, glowstickers that have intruded upon my hip hop lifestyle. I have a short temper, and I have years of gung fu training just boiling inside of me waiting to be jet li'd on some retard who thinks they can sweat all over me with their parachute pants and puffy vests. I WILL KILL YOU! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket But, despite their thievery, and harsh foreigness they are mad cool here's a delightful video that looks like something out of Michel Gondry's acid trip
and here's the video showing various samples used by the frog's
full tracks at this delightful blog that gets crazy more attention than mine;
REMEMBER! Hook me up with the site hits dun! It's easy, 'oh you like hip-hop and soul, you know my friend Neal has a blog...yeah he's real funny, and writes like he thinks we want to hear more (which I know you don't but deal with it).'


BerlingsBeard said...

yo, Daft Punk played here this week. I coulda got a ticket, but I decided to wait to see them till I was with you.

Also, the around the world video was conceptualized and directed by Spike Jones (Jonze?) anyway, check out his other shit. A lot of white stripes, some Fat Boy Slim... all and all, GREAT videos. And his movies have been pretty dope, too.

much love

chainsawvigilante said...

ah yeah, good ol spike jonze where's the new beasties video for their dope new album?